If you are bored of the same default blue Windows Live Messenger scene and color scheme then you can very well replace it with the creative scene and color schemes provided by Microsoft.
Windows Live Messenger default scene and color scheme:
Figure 1
Changed Windows Live Messenger scene and color scheme:
Figure 2
You can accomplish this in the following manner:
1) Open Windows Live Messenger
Figure 3
2) Take your mouse pointer to the upper right corner of the window until you see a small paint brush and a message Change your scene and click it once
3) Now you can choose from a variety of scene and color schemes
Figure 4
4) Click the Browse button and navigate to a desired scene and click Open button. Your desired image will be added to the Select a scene list.
Figure 5
5) Click on More colors link to define custom colors
Article source:http://www.itechtalk.com/thread4404.html?daysprune=-1