How to Make Custom iPhone Ringtones for Free
updated: April 1, 2010
So you bought an iPhone. You love the phone and all its features, but wish you didn't have to pay for your songs twice to get a ringtone. There are plenty of songs in your music library, but no way to make ringtones from any of them. Or is there? Actually, with a little bit of trickery (nothing illegal), you can create ringtones from any one of your non-DRM songs in your iTunes library easily and for free. This works on both Mac and Windows PCs.
*Please note: There may be differences among all the possible combinations of iTunes versions and operating system versions (see Tips for a way to work around the syncing issues).
*Please note: There may be differences among all the possible combinations of iTunes versions and operating system versions (see Tips for a way to work around the syncing issues).
From Essentials: Custom iPhone Ringtone Guide
- About iPhone Ringtones iPhone ringtones refer to the music that plays when someone calls a cell phone. Instead of a… More
- How to Use iTunes Ringtones You can purchase ringtones from iTunes for use on your cellular phone simply by downloading… More
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- How to Make Custom iPhone Ringtones for Free So you bought an iPhone. You love the phone and all its features, but wish you didn't have to… More
- How to Download IPhone Ringtones If you have an iPhone, one of the great ways you can personalize the unit is to add your own… More
- How to Install Ringtones on the iPhone A ringtone is the sound that plays when the phone rings. Modern ringtones can make the sound we… More
- How to Make MP3 iPhone Ringtones There may come a time when you get bored with the standard ringtones on your iPhone. However,… More
- How to Change the Ringtone on the iPhone Like the majority of modern cellular phones, the iPhone gives users the ability to change the… More
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- How to Make Customized Ringtones Ringtones can allow you to personalize your phone and are relatively easy to make yourself.… More
- How to Make iPhone Ringtones on a PC Creating your own iPhone ringtones using Apple's iTunes software is easy, but it can take some… More
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need:
- iTunes
- Mac or Windows computer
- Non-DRM song (i.e., one not bought from the iTunes Store)
- 1Open iTunes.
- 2Find the song that you want to make into a ringtone.
- 3Listen to the song and find the part of it you want to use. The chorus may be a good place to start.
- 4Write down the start and stop times of the clip.
- 5Right-click the song and select "Get Info."
- 6Click the "Options" tab.
- 7Type in the start time of your ringtone in the text box next to "Start Time" in the minutes:seconds (i.e., 2:01) format.
- 8
- 9Click "OK."
- 10Right-click your song again and select "Convert Selection to AAC." Wait for iTunes to convert your song. It will create a duplicate version.
- 11Right-click the ringtone and select "Delete."
- 12Click on the "Keep Files" button.
- 13Find the file. It's usually in your User folder under "Music > iTunes > iTunes Music" and under the band's name. It will have an extension of m4a.
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17Connect your iPhone and sync your ringtones.
Read more: How to Make Custom iPhone Ringtones for Free |