How To: Install Nokia PC Suite v7.1 In Windows 7

No doubt many of our readers are of the geeky persuasion, and have downloaded the new Windows 7 Beta to check out. I’ve been using it on my Fujitsu P1610 and an old Gateway laptop, and have been pretty impressed with it overall. My friend Jonathan Greene has it installed on his Samsung NC10 netbook, but was unable to get Nokia’s PC Suite v7.1 to install, so he resorted to using Ovi Suite, which apparently installs and works just fine. Not satisfied, I discovered a way to install Nokia PC Suite v7.1 in Windows 7 easily.
I’m going to assume you already have Windows 7 Beta installed. If you don’t, you can get more info on that here. You should also have the Nokia PC Suite v7.1 installer saved to your computer, but DON’T attempt to install it yet.

First, you need to right click on the installer, and select ‘Troubleshoot Compatibility.’ This will open a wizard, so just click ‘next’ on the next screen, until you see this:

As pictured, you’ll need to check 2 boxes: ‘This ran in a previous version of Windows‘ and ‘This application requires additional permissions.’ The next screen will ask what version of Windows it previously ran in, just pick Vista. Finish the wizard through, clicking next, and then on the final screen, choose the first option, ‘Save these settings.’
The Nokia PC Suite 7.1 installer will now auto-launch, and you can proceed through the install process as normal. You can also use this to install other Nokia applications, such as NSU, Map Loader, etc, but you’ll need to follow the same steps. I was able to quickly pair my Nokia N79 NAM with my Fujitsu P1610 in Windows 7 with the native Bluetooth drivers, so there’s nothing special needed there.

While Ovi Suite is definitely a good option if you’re more multimedia-focused, the vanilla PC Suite simply has more features, thanks to the inclusion of Nokia Communication Center and a few other niceties. If you have any issues, please join the conversation here, and we’ll try to help you get them sorted.
**Note that the Windows 7 Beta is not an official release, and the install is set to be disabled in August 2009. You assume any risk for installing this on your computer, and we only recommend you do so as a secondary OS. We cannot be held responsible if you hose your computer using Microsoft Windows  7 Beta.

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