Opera Mini for iPhone: good for extremes, not extremely good

So we’ve had a couple of days to play with Opera Mini for iPhone and it’s clear why the new proxy browser is so divisive — it’s got a fantastic feature set, and is fast for people on slow EDGE connections and cheap for people on roaming data, but its UI is kludgy, it doesn’t render HTML as well as Safari, and it has trouble with dynamic websites.
Whether you love it or hate it will likely depend on a couple of things:
  • If you roam a lot
  • If you’re on 2.5G/EDGE a lot
  • If you love Opera’s features like in-page search and speed dial
  • If you don’t mind weird interface behavior like popping zoom and crazy scroll
  • If you’re not a typography nut whose eyes bleed at poorly rendered Helvetica
  • If you’re not an HTML aficionado who notices things like missing rounded corners and imprecise box-models
  • If you’re not interested in the upcoming HTML5 video support and don’t mind getting redirected to Flash videos which won’t play either
The more of the above that applies to you, the more you’ll want to keep Opera Mini handy. And hey, even if none of it applies to you, it’s free so you can stick it on a back page (or in an iPhone OS 4 folder) for emergencies.
It’s also a 1.0 release, so Opera will no doubt improve it going forward. Bottom-line, it’s nice to have the option on the iPhone.
How’s Opera Mini working for you?